The Village Lunch is a volunteer group which started in 2004 to provide a regular low-cost social lunch with an average attendance of 70 guests over the years. We hope to resume when it is safe and viable, both for our guests and the team. As there are still many unknowns regarding the pandemic for the remainder of 2021, the Lunch Team currently think it is sensible to plan for restarting in the new year. To help ensure the continuation of the Lunch, additional volunteers are always welcome. Contact Chris Smith on 01264 738 110.
The Badminton Club Monday evenings in the Main Hall, September to May
Badminton - We are a small friendly group who get together on a Monday night (September to May) to play badminton between 7 and 9pm for some or all of the two hours. The last year has obviously been very disjointed but we are looking forward to starting again on 6th September, followed by the 13th, 20th and 27th of September. If anyone would like to join us (over 18’s only) - please call or message me (Lou King) on 07710 626 760.
Short Mat Bowls Club Thursday afternoons and evenings, in the Main Hall from September
Short Mat Bowls - The St Mary Bourne Short Mat Bowls Club plays in the Main Hall on Thursdays from 2.30 to 4.30pm all year round and also from 7 to 9pm in the winter months. Any reasonably fit person can "have a go". The first visit is free - a flat pair of shoes is needed and bowls can be supplied. It is hoped that following the Covid pandemic problems, Short Mat Bowls will resume on 2nd September and for further details please contact the Chairman on 01264 393 760 or the Treasurer on 01264 738 458 - or just turn up, you will be very welcome.
All classes are held in the Main Hall and the Committee Room of the Village Centre (pictured)
'hush little babies' Pre-school Music Classes and Baby Massage On Thursdays during term time
Pre-school Music Classes and Baby Massage
‘Music with Mummy’ (1 to 3/4 years) & ‘Jolly Babies’ (to approx 15 months). Small, fun and lively pre-school music classes full of singing, movement & percussion. Starting on Thursday mornings, (Wednesdays in Overton & Tuesdays in Whitchurch). 6 week term from Tuesday 20th April, cost £36 -
Baby Massage Classes - suitable from birth up to crawling. 5 week course, 1 hour sessions £60, 21st May 10.30 to 11.30am (no class during half term, course spread over 6 weeks) - Contact Beth Lowe on 07826 306 948.